World Food Safety Day 2021

World Food Safety Day 2021 is being commemorated under the theme ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’. Celebrated on June 7 each year, this observance is jointly facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

World Food Safety Day aims to spread awareness, identify and prevent foodborne risks. This intervention contributes to food security, human health, economic prosperity and sustainable development. Foodborne illnesses, caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, are infectious and toxic. These can enter the body through contaminated food and water and may lead to death. Thus it is necessary to ensure that food is safe at every step of the food chain, from production to consumption.

The Ministry of Health, St. Kitts and Nevis through its various departments and robust health education programs continues to engage the general public, in particular persons involved in food related services, of the significance of food safety. Amidst the economic and social challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ministry urges persons to be extremely vigilant in ensuring that the foods they consume are safe and healthy, to mitigate against foodborne illnesses.

The Ministry of Health wishes to inform the general public of the following measures currently in place to promote food safety:

⦁ All food establishments must be inspected and certified by the Environmental Health Department before they become operational.
⦁ Each establishment must maintain health and safety standards and provide wholesome foods to ensure annual recertification.
⦁ All food handlers must obtain a valid food handler’s permit from the Environmental Health Department before they can offer and provide food related services.
⦁ All food handlers have a responsibility to provide safe foods to the general population of St. Kitts and Nevis.
⦁ All foodborne diseases should be reported to the Environmental Health Department-Ministry of Health as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Health seeks the collaborative support of all stakeholders in its efforts to promote food safety on an individual and country level.

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